
The eosinophil is a white blood cell belonging to the granulocyte, or polymorphonuclear cell line.

Examples: Bovine, Canine, Equine, Feline


Bovine eosinophil

        In cattle, eosinophils are characterized by small, round eosinophilic granules in the cytoplasm.

Wright's stain, 1000x

Feline Eosinophil

       In cats, the eosinophil is characterized by the small, rod-shaped eosinophilic granules in the cytoplasm.   


Wright's stain, 1000x

Canine eosinophil


        Canine eosinophils contain pink cytoplasmic granules of variable size. (see both microphotographs here below)


Wright's stain, 500x

Wright's stain, 1000x

Equine Eosinophil


In the horse, eosinophils are characterized by an abundance of large, pink granules in their cytoplasm.


Wright's stain, 1000x  










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